Monday, July 6, 2015

New Garden and Playground Markers

Recently, the church purchased and installed beautiful markers for our playground and for our Memory Garden.  The playground is named Laura's Playground, in memory of Laura Roth, daughter of long-time congregation member MJ Duffy.

The Memory Garden came to fruition when the congregation was sprucing up the playground area. In order to make more room for the playground, we needed to move a small memory garden to another location.  MJ found a new location on the church grounds and moved most of the plants from the smaller garden to the new, larger garden.  She decided that it would be nice to allow congregation members to place perennial flowers in the garden, memorializing a loved one.  The Memory Garden is taking shape and looking lovely, especially in light of all the rain we have had.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Upcoming Meetings

Committee of Ministers -December 14, 2017 at noon at FMC.  Bring something to share for lunch.

Administrative Council - January 7, 2018 at FMC following church services.

Congregational Meeting - February 18, 2018 at FMC during church services.